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Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Jeunes Ailes For Ever
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2408
    Age : 39
    Localisation : Europe
    Date d'inscription : 13/04/2007

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  gc232 Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 17:39

    Super controleur a JFK, ca donne envie d'y aller faire un tour !
    Ca dépasse le cadre de la simple phraséo ATC d'ailleurs ...

    Jeunes Ailes For Ever
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2408
    Age : 39
    Localisation : Europe
    Date d'inscription : 13/04/2007

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  gc232 Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 17:43

    Et parce que je suis sympa Laughing (ca aide, hein?! Mr.Red ) :

    JFK_GND: JBU179, the A320 going to Phoenix, Arizona.
    TAM8081: TAM8081 Heavy on Kilo, hold short Alpha.
    JFK_GND: Who's at Kilo, Thai? Who was that?
    TAM8081: TAM8081 Heavy.
    JFK_GND: TAM8081 Heavy, left on Alpha, short of Echo.
    TAM8081: Okay, left on Alpha, hold short Echo, TAM8081 Heavy.
    DAL929: Hey Ground, Delta 929, we're on Bravo short of Victor, and uh...we just had that little corporate jet pull in front of us, and then another 7-5 [757], and I thought we were supposed to follow JetBlue, sir?
    JFK_GND: You were. What happened?
    DAL929: Well, the corporate jet came off the runway and we couldn't- we had to stop.
    JFK_GND: Eight-Oh-Eight Bravo Lima you didn't follow th-....808BL?
    N808BL: 808BL. You told us to follow the Embraer, and that's what we did.
    JFK_GND: You "follow the Embraer?" Uh, JetBlue 1069?
    JFK_GND: Somebody didn't do something right. JBU1069?
    JBU1069: Yeah, we were sitting there waiting for the uh, Delta, and then uh, Delta said he was waiting for the uh, corporate, so uh, we continued on, and then uh, corporate followed us and then Delta was gonna follow corporate.
    JFK_GND: Well, you can't just can't do that...alright, see, this takes so much energy, guys, alright. DAL929...jeez, hang on a second, guys.
    DAL929: Okay, we're at Bravo, short of Victor.
    JFK_GND: Yeah, right. Who- Who's Bravo short of Victor?
    DAL929: DAL929, sir.
    JFK_GND: You didn't even move yet, then! What- What ha- Who went out of sequence here? JBU1069, you're behind the company A320?
    DAL929: [squelched] -and then we got stopped.
    JFK_GND: Hang on a second. JBU1069, you're behind the company A320?
    JBU1069: Yes, sir.
    JFK_GND: I don't know how that happened, just follow him. And 8BL, you're behind the JetBlue, so everybody did right, DAL929, just follow the Hawker.
    DAL929: Okay, uh, well the Hawker is two flights in front of us.
    GND: Great. DAL1869, you're behind the Hawker?
    DAL1869: Correct.
    GND: JBU1069, you gotta just do what I ask, sir. DAL929, follow the 7-5.
    DAL929: We can do that, behind the 7-5, DAL929.
    GND: DAL1867, this probably screws you up, too. Where are you right now?
    DAL1867: Yes sir, we're number two, on Bravo short of Victor.
    GND: DAL929, you were on Bravo short of Victor.
    DAL929: That's affirmative, sir.
    GND: [squelched] -JetBlue hangars?
    GND: Okay, now I'm all screwed up. Jesus, JetBlue!
    Unidentified: Good day, [unreadable]403.
    IBE6252: Follow 757, right on Fox, and advise you unable to take taxiway Charlie, Airbus 340-600.
    GND: You're unable to to do everything, sir, that plane of yours, sir! Let me see, yup, you can't go on Charlie, how nice! Go right on...god, give way, give way to the Delta jet off your right, sir, okay, actually it looks like he's clear. So, yeah right, go right on Victor, right on 13L, and hold short of Zulu-Echo, Iberia, okay?
    IBE6252: Okay, right Victor, 13L, hold short Zulu-Echo, IBE6252 Heavy.
    GND: JBU707, please don't follow Iberia, just let him go left to right past you and then go down Uniform and follow the line.
    JBU707: JBU707, wilco, sir.
    GND: Thank you. American 1639, you're on Bravo short of Victor?
    AAL1639: Affirmative.
    GND: Okay, JetBlue A320 off your right is gonna, uh, go. You follow him.
    AAL1639: Follow JetBlue...AAL1639.
    GND: Singapore 25 Heavy, Echo to Bravo short of Victor.
    SIA025: Echo to Bravo short of Victor-
    GND: [squelched]Evergreen?
    EIA645: Uh, roger, EIA645 Heavy.
    GND: Yeah, and call me when you're at Victor, I got to weave you into that alleyway somehow. Hey DHL, you're blockin' Whiskey, aren't you?
    DHLxxx: DAL152 Heavy is blocking Whiskey over here, and we're okay with the tower enroute clearance.
    GND: Yeah I know. EIA645, Whiskey's currently blocked, but Charlie-Echo's available, so just so you know my plan of action is to bring you in at Charlie-Echo, okay?
    EIA645: Copy, EIA645 Heavy.
    GND: Alright, let's just make sure, hopefully thats where you're really gonna be going.
    SIA025: SIA025 Heavy, Hotel, short of Alpha.
    GND: JBU707, uh, I'm sorry sir, where did you say you were?
    JBU707: Yes sir, we're holding short of Echo, sir.
    GND: Short of Echo and where?
    JBU707: At Alpha, sir.
    GND: JBU707, you're on....oh, you're the guy who came out of there, okay. JBU707, uh, give way to your company off your right then Echo to Bravo short of Victor.
    JBU707: Echo, Bravo, short of Victor, and we'll give way to company, JBU707.
    GND: JBU176, if you can't get in, let me know.
    JBU176: Roger, we'll check.
    GND: Thank you very much.
    AFR008: Ground, good evening, Air France 008, Hotel, short of Alpha.
    GND: Hotel, short of Alpha was who?
    AFR008: Request specific?
    GND: AFR011 Heavy, where are you?
    AFR011: Ten, one-zero, Ten.
    GND: You comin' out or you goin' in?
    AFR011: Coming out, AFR011 Heavy.
    Unknown: Ground, good day.
    ACA1121: [squelched] -Victor on Bravo.
    GND: Was that AFR007 Heavy?
    AFR011: AFR011 Heavy, ready to push.
    GND: AFR011 Heavy, uh, if you want to push in the alleyway, thats- call your ramp for that.
    AFR011: Okay, call my ramp, 011 Heavy.
    UAL008: Ground, United 8, is Air Canada gonna get off at Whiskey or you want us to go onto Alpha?
    GND: Air Ca- Those two JetBlues, can you guys get by Iberia, or not yet?
    JBU035: [squelched, unreadable]
    GND: JBU035, what's the problem?
    JBU035: Who do you want us to follow?
    GND: You're on Bravo, you're short of Victor-Alpha, you're abeam the Iberia[n]?
    JBU035: We're abeam the Alitalia on the left, there.
    GND: Abeam Alitalia?
    JBU144:[squelched] JBU144 is abeam the Iberia.
    GND: Alright, just hang on. JBU179?
    JBU179: Yes sir, we're uh, number two holding short of Victor-Alpha on Bravo.
    GND: Who's the first JetBlue on Bravo short of Victor-Alpha
    JBU35: 35.
    GND: You're an outbound?
    JBU35: Yup.
    GND: Aye, you guys should come up here one day. JBU35, I need you to pull a right up there and hold short of Victor for me.
    JBU35: We- no, that's- You must be about somebody behind us, we're right at Victor, 35.
    GND: Okay, you're at Victor. JBU179, you're abeam the Alitalia?
    JBU144: [squelched] JBU144 is abeam uh, Iberia, short of Victor-Alpha.
    JBU179: [squelched, unreadable]
    GND: Alright, JBU179, you- somebody stepped on you, you're the first one there, abeam the Iberia?
    JBU179: No sir, we're number two, uh, number two.
    GND: You're the first one?
    JBU144: The first one is JBU144, we're abeam Iberia, short of Victor-Alpha.
    GND: JBU144, are you an inbound or an outbound?
    JBU144: Inbound to Whiskey.
    GND: I told you to go where you are?
    JBU144: Exactly.
    GND: I did, okay, so well- Go down to Victor- You guys should come up here some day, you'd enjoy it, you'd enjoy the show! Go straight ahead and hold short of Victor, I can't do anything else with you, and what's your numbers again?
    JBU144: JBU144, eh, we totally understand. You did the best you can, eh, we're short of-, we'll go up short of Victor now, JBU144.
    GND: Yeah, I'm gonna move your company in a second in front of you, once he clears, comes up 13L and hold short of Whiskey.
    JBU144: JBU144, roger.
    GND: Yeah, come up 13L and hold short of Whiskey, alright.
    JBU144: Okay, understand: JBU144, uh, behind company, we'll go on 13L, short of, Whiskey?
    GND: Yeah, back on the runway short of Whiskey. Alitalia611 Heavy, make a left turn on, uh, Uniform, and go around the horn. Follow the leader.
    AZA611: Roger, AZA611, left on Uniform, [unintelligible].
    GND: JBU35, follow Alitalia.
    JBU35: Follow Alitalia, JBU35.
    GND: Now, ah, phew... JBU35, just to make sure, you're Bravo short of Victor, right?
    JBU179: Who's that for?
    GND: JBU35, you're Bravo short of Victor, right?
    JBU35: Bravo short of Victor, behind Alitalia.
    GND: Good, you follow Alitalia. JBU179, you're the second one, follow your company ahead.
    JBU179: Follow the company ahead, JBU179, and we'll visit you at the duty-free.
    GND: Not-yeah, wish I could- not the one in front of ya, but the one in front of him. The one in front of you is an arrival.
    JBU179: Sounds good, we'll follow the guy that's following the Air Italia[Alitalia].
    GND: Air Canada 1121, follow the JetBlue off your left.
    ACA1121: ACA1121.
    GND: JBU97, follow Air Canada.
    JBU97: JBU97, Roger.
    GND: DAL929, where are ya?
    DAL929: Alpha short of Echo.
    GND: Echo to Bravo short of Whiskey, 929.
    DAL929: Alright, Alpha short of Whiskey now, 929.
    GND: That JetBlue that I put on 13L, when you come back around, can you get into Whiskey?
    JBU144: JBU144, I'm gonna contact company right now and make sure of that.
    GND: Okay, sir! I thought you would have known by now?!
    JBU144: You know what, they told us it was already empty, and then we went, and almost turned, and we almost went nose to nose.
    GND: The United jet that's approaching Whiskey, can you get in?
    UAL008: Yes sir, after the, uh, guy ahead of me moves on.
    GND: Okay, you taxi into the ramp. The second JetBlue behind that United, who is that?
    JBU606: That's, uh, 606, we're cleared in Whiskey-Alpha.
    GND: You're cleared in, good, you taxi into the ramp. JBU144, you're probably gonna be cleared in. So, when you come around on the runway, let a United go in first, you'll see him, and then you follow him in. If that doesn't work let me know, I'll put you somewhere else, short of Alpha somewhere.
    DAL1867: Cleared to Alpha with Hotel.
    GND: DAL1867, Kennedy Ground. 22R, left on Alpha, short of Echo.
    DAL1867: Left on Alpha, short of Echo, 22l-Right, DAL1867.
    GND: DAL1869, where are ya?
    DAL1869: We're just, uh, coming up Tango-Tango on Bravo.
    GND: Okay, very good.
    IBE6252: Ground, IBE6252, ready to taxi.
    GND: Who was that?
    IBE6252: IBE6252, Airbus 340-600, ready to taxi.
    GND: Iberia, hold there, you're in the sequence.
    IBE6252: Holding, sequence, IBE6252.
    JBU707: Kennedy Ground, good evening, JBU707. We've got Hotel and we're holding short of Hotel-Alpha.
    GND: Who is that?
    JBU707: Sir, that's JBU707.
    GND: And you're where, and you're doing what, short of who?
    JBU707: We are holding short at, of Alpha, at Hotel-Alpha, and we've Hotel.
    GND: I don't have a Hotel-Alpha. You mean you're at Hotel?
    JBU707: Yeah, you betcha. Sorry about that.
    GND: And what's the callsign?
    JBU707: JBU707.
    GND: JBU707, follow a Delta 7-5, right to left on Alpha, you'll see him in a minute, but hold short of Echo.
    JBU707: Hold short of Echo, and we'll follow the Delta, JBU707.
    GND: DAL1869, you said you were just passing Tango-Tango, correct?
    DAL1869: That's correct.
    GND: Alright, I just wanted to make sure who's who.
    AAL004: American 4 Heavy is with you on Bravo.
    GND: Very long sir, about an hour.
    Unidentified: Roger.
    GND: At least. Are you ready to taxi?
    Unidentified: Negative.
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1615
    Localisation : Plutôt en basse qu'au 1013
    Date d'inscription : 15/06/2008

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  FlyingTim Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 17:51

    Pas mal comme conversation loooooool
    C'est toi qui a sorti la traduc ?

    Ca donne pas envie de quitter ses petits terrains en auto-info en tout cas :-)
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2408
    Age : 39
    Localisation : Europe
    Date d'inscription : 13/04/2007

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  gc232 Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 17:54

    FlyingTim a écrit:
    C'est toi qui a sorti la traduc ?
    Oui oui, ca m'a pris une disaine de minutes, suis fort hein? Very Happy
    Je l'ai trouvée sur le site sur lequel j'ai trouvé la vidéo : Boston Tower (un blog) , en surfant sur le net ...
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1615
    Localisation : Plutôt en basse qu'au 1013
    Date d'inscription : 15/06/2008

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  FlyingTim Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 18:11

    On sait jamais des fois que tu te sois fait aidé par de charmantes bristoliennes... :-)
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever
    Jeunes Ailes For Ever

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 2408
    Age : 39
    Localisation : Europe
    Date d'inscription : 13/04/2007

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  gc232 Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 18:20

    FlyingTim a écrit:On sait jamais des fois que tu te sois fait aidé par de charmantes bristoliennes... :-)
    Ben c'est surtout que c'est hyper long a tout ré-écrire ...

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 990
    Localisation : Le Mans (LFRM) ; Nangis (LFAI)
    Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  Rico0o Mar 13 Jan 2009 - 20:19

    Un bon site pour écouter diverses fréquences à travers le monde :
    C'est gratuit , et vous pouvez écoutez les fréquences sol , tour , approche , départ , ... de , par exemple , JKF , San Fransisco , et plein d'autres.

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 542
    Age : 32
    Localisation : Aire sur L'adour (LFDA)
    Date d'inscription : 03/06/2007

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  Patounet15 Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 12:36

    Est il n'y a pas un site avec celui des aéroports français ?
    Julien Robin
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 8381
    Age : 42
    Localisation : LFKL / LFLY
    Date d'inscription : 20/01/2006

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  Julien Robin Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 12:57

    Non, car l'enregistrement et la (re)diffusion des communications (considérées comme privées en France) est interdite.
    En France, l'écoute est seulement tolérée...


    Masculin Nombre de messages : 990
    Localisation : Le Mans (LFRM) ; Nangis (LFAI)
    Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008

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    Message  Rico0o Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 13:27

    Julien Robin a écrit:En France, l'écoute est seulement tolérée...
    Pour tous ? C'est pas seulement pour les professionels de l'aviation ? N'importe qui peut acheter une radio (qui émet pas bien entendu) ?
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit
    Jeunes Ailes Spirit

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 1839
    Age : 55
    Localisation : Dans un avion
    Date d'inscription : 02/08/2008

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  yanderuelle Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 21:53

    Rico0o a écrit: N'importe qui peut acheter une radio (qui émet pas bien entendu) ?

    Mais qui émet aussi. On en trouve de tous les types dans tous les bonnes drogueries du quartier. Le problème reste ce que l'on en fait. Ceux qui diffusent sur LiveATC le font par des scanners qui permettent de capter es fréquences et le ressortir sur un canal audio

    Tout ce qui vole n'est pas forcément un avion.
    Il n'y a pas de bon pilote, juste des vieux pilotes.

    --> Là où je suis allé en avion de ligne
    --> Là où je suis allé en avion de tourisme

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 242
    Age : 36
    Localisation : Grenoble/Salon
    Date d'inscription : 16/08/2006

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    Message  arnO Mer 14 Jan 2009 - 22:44

    golfcharlie232 a écrit: disaine de minutes

    Il est tant que tu reviennes en France hein!
    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... 491659
    Ok je sors...

    Sinon merci beaucoup de nous faire partager ce genre de sujet! C'est super interressant.
    Bon allez, tu peux rester entre tes bristoliennes. Une place pour moi srthert ? ;)

    Masculin Nombre de messages : 990
    Localisation : Le Mans (LFRM) ; Nangis (LFAI)
    Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008

    Pour vous entrainez un peu ... Empty Re: Pour vous entrainez un peu ...

    Message  Rico0o Ven 16 Jan 2009 - 17:18

    Julien Robin a écrit:Non, car l'enregistrement et la (re)diffusion des communications (considérées comme privées en France) est interdite.
    En France, l'écoute est seulement tolérée...

    C'est surement pour cela qu'il ont supprimé des fréquences de France ...

    Sinon un truc aussi bien sur le site , c'est les séquences enregistrés , il s'agit de situation inhabituels , comme des incendies , des crashs (hélas ...) , des incendies , ou plus drole comme ceci : "KSFO ground has to remind American 15 heavy to clear the runway" , ou encore des séquences historiques comme celle-ci : "Speedbird 2: Last Concorde KJFK to EGLL" (Si vous voulez les traductions , demandez !!)

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